Envisioning the Future
As we come to year end we have been steeped in a longer planning process, casting our eyes and hearts into a five year future. Although we cannot predict where we will be in five years, let alone in one – the process of dreaming together on the basis of our purpose vision and current reality quickens the pulse of the village, and pulls together a deeper coherence.
Much of what we dream is a continuation and a clarifying of who we are as Kufunda:
We are increasing our ambition around being sustainable with regards to food, water and energy. We have taken important steps already in all three areas, with last year being our first year to harvest enough organic small grains (zvio/millet) in particular to provide our own needs; we have taken big steps with water harvesting; and have just completed an energy audit with clear implications in terms of the steps towards renewable energy self-sufficiency.
We are also strengthening our vision of the Communiversity as our platform for sharing what we are learning. The communiversity programmes are a direct outflow of our purpose of contributing to supporting people to discover and express their gifts; of building capacity for people and communities to work in more participatory ways – where each person can bring their best – and of learning what it takes to co-create healthy vibrant and economically resilient communities.
Our relationship with communities has been strengthened this year through our engagement with the chiefs; our work with women has deepened and has sparked similar nascent work with men, an opening of the village to the outside world has brought visitors for our learning camp from Japan, Australia and Europe; collaboration with a university in Turkey, and a learning engagement with a high school in Denmark. We remember ourselves as a resource for the world – starting right here where home is, and spreading outward as far as the appetite to learn with us is ripe.
We are happy to share a summary of our plan once it is complete to anyone who would like to learn more about where we are moving.