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Gifts from the All Africa Anthroposophic Training

By Sikhethiwe Mlotsha

Sikhethiwe is the woman in dark green skirt and light green top.

The All Africa Anthroposophic gathering was very important for me.

The structure of each day worked well for me. For the whole week we had Eurythmy, Nature observation and Text study in the mornings. During the afternoons we had open workshops where I attended 'How to work with Trauma' and where I co-facilitated 'Women Are Medicine' with Maaianne.

There was smooth flow and weaving in the mornings between Eurythmy, Nature observation and Text study.Eurythmy is an art of human movement set to music, poetry, or speech. It is sometimes called “speech made visible” and is intended to be a complement to intellectual learning. I got to understand Eurythmy more than before, as it was very hard to get the meaning of the movements before. The introductions from Dr. Michaella Gloeckler, who introduced the morning work for both Nature observation and text study were the highest moments for me. This really deepened my understanding of our connection to everything around us. I got to learn more about how everything is formed and how we relate to nature and animals, and that we can learn so much from both, if we open ourselves.

We then went out into nature, to engage in specific observation exercises, followed by related text study. There was a lot of revelation for me during these processes. I am so grateful.

I was chosen to hold space for a group study during the morning sessions, which I realise deepened my experience of it. I had to prepare well, so that I could be there for my group.

The afternoons, in the Trauma sessions I learned how to understand a child with trauma. We developed different skills on how to deal with traumatized children, even handling a traumatized experience. I learned different games and activities to offer for children with trauma - that can also be for children in general, but which support those with trauma. From this I can see this experience benefiting my community in raising awareness on handling traumatized children.

My second session I was co-hosting session with Maaianne. This was a huge milestone for me, offering our work internationally. OVer the years I have learnt a lot from Maaianne, and now in an international space I could practice and bring my hosting skills. The beauty was that, in 5 days, we managed to connect deeply as a circle of women, in celebration, with each one being in her own journey of deep connection with who they are and what we are bringing into life. This experience gave me confidence in my own parth and what I am bringing.

Out of this experience,

  1. I am going to continue deepening my study in Anthroposophy through studies at Kufunda as well nature observations.

  2. I intend to work more with my mentor in uplifting my work and learnings.

  3. I will offer games to Kufunda school and youth programmes.

I am so grateful for this experience which was made possible by support by friends from outside Kufunda,

Thank you!


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