Helpful Materials
Kufunda Village School
One of the most valuable contributions is to help collect some of the many materials that our school uses. Our school needs the following materials:
Yamaha soprano recorders x 20
Ukes x 10
Stockmar watercolor paints: Carmine red, vermilion, golden yellow, lemon yellow, ultramarine blue and Prussian blue
A3 painting paper
A 3 cartridge paper
Fountain pens x 15
Coloured wooden beads
Wooden buttons
Tapestry needles
Various sewing and darning needles
Embroidery thread
Plain coloured fabric for hand sewing
Wool 16 ply enough for a class to make pencil cases or beanies
Crochet hooks
A3 paper
A4 paper
Exercise books with no lines good quality
Scrap books with no lines
Construction paper (not needed in Harare for awhile)
Sharp scissors x 15
Triangle pencils
Standard pencils
Coloured pencils
Metric rulers
Tape measures
Crayons (not needed for awhile)
Quality chalks for teachers to draw on boards variety of colours including black
White and yellow chalk for teacher and children's use
Quality children's books and readers
For example: Grimms Fairy Tales, folk tales from different countries, classics, poetry books etc
Steiner books for teachers.
For Kindergarten:
Wooden toys
Silk cloths
Handmade dolls
Other useful items
Hammers and nails
Carving knives
Things we do not use are:
Plastic toys
Colouring books
Commercialised books
Thank you for supporting our school.
Your donations are much appreciated and will be put to good use.