Go Deep at Kufunda
Go Deep Kufunda is a 7 day intensive learning program with several stakeholders in and around the Kufunda village to experience the unique way of approaching community transformation using the Go Deep Game while being in a practical community project together. The project will be building a rammed earth classroom for the Kufunda Village School. The days will alternate between this practical work, and the Go Deep process of different community building practices.
The program will take place from 20 to 27th of august 2018 in the Kufunda Learning Village, hosted by Niels Koldewijn of Elos and Admire Gwatidzo with the Kufunda team. The program will be a full-time intensive, filled with group activities and in direct interaction with the community. The participants will be a group of 30 people include village members, members of the youth-group, members of the women-group, teachers and parents of the school and leaders of neighbouring communities where the Oasis Game had taken place before.
About the program
Go Deep is an award winning, process-based game that brings together groups of people to work in community; exploring themes that are present on a deeper level, yet affect our daily interaction. Go Deep is a synthesis of 2 existing methodologies: It combines and deepens The Oasis Game where communities manifest a physical dream (in our case the classroom)and Processwork. It is a journey, where groups of people travel through imaginary metro lines, playing different cards from the downloadable game. Their experiences and challenges deepen their leadership and facilitation skills and creates actions and community transformations that are good for everyone! We’re excited to host the first edition of this process and deep learning program in Africa and you can be part of it.
As participant of the program you will learn through experience the use and process of the Go Deep Game by working on one side towards the impact of the realization of a collective dream for the village, while on the other side going deep on processing issues and challenges arising in an environment full of sociocultural and socioeconomic diversity. During the program you’ll experience and receive background information on;
the two underlying methodologies
working with the power of community and collective vision
working with tensions and possible conflict in groups
working with systems thinking, inner work and its’ inter-relation - different tools and social skills to work on different levels of communication in groups
simple eco-building techniques
At the same time the process guides the participants and community through a process that will generate community mobilization, events and concrete results as part of the path the game follows. Community members - and participants will leave the program with new plans - and actions to take the principles and practices forward in their own life, community and work.
About Go Deep
Since 2015 and with support from the European Union, GENE, the European Commission and a wide community of supporters, the game has been developed and applied in various communities across Europe. The Go Deep Game has been used to address challenging social issues, for instance the co-living between migrants, refugees and host communities, dealing with issues of privilege, diversity, suppressed feelings and many more issues that in a playful way get addressed and processed together.
“We created exciting, useful and fun ways to help youth workers and people to learn together and to develop the skills they need to engage and transform communities. The game allows a group of participants to explore what’s needed in the given context. Players work with and choose one of the ‘lines’ of the game to explore personal-, group- and community awareness and make change happen.”
For more information check godeepproject.wordpress.com
Practical information
Dates of program: The 7 day program runs from the 20th (arrival day) till
the 27th of August.
Costs of program; $400,- for international participants. Participants from Zimbabwe or neighbouring countries can get in touch for discount. Incl: full board lodging, program and material costs, access to materials afterwards
Travel: At your own expenses
Contact: admin@kufunda.org
PLEASE NOTE: program will take place with sufficient co-funding and/or participants
confirmed by July 1st. Sign up to show your serious intention to join the program, you’ll
receive notification of confirmation by July 2nd.