An Invitation to support Young women to claim and express their power, wisdom and grace.

Our third Young Women are Medicine is coming closer. From March 20th - April 13th, young women will again spend a month's immersion at Kufunda in a journey of soul - becoming more whole, returning more fully to who they are. It is a programme for women to co~create a safe space where they can come together in community to be witnessed, held & encouraged as they share and explore the stories of their lives, hopes & dreams.

In movement, deep dance & stillness, in quiet reflection, in giving voice & lifting into song, we weave what is possible with our hearts' courage. With practices that call us present, the experiences & pain of the past, can become the compassion, insight & gifts for the future.

Through the programme, we invite every woman to step in as more choice-full, conscious co-creators of our future.

Please join us in making this journey possible for the women of Zimbabwe, and the World.

To make a contribution please go to our Indiegogo Campaign, and please share it also!

You might also want to read the reflection of a young french woman who joined the programme two years ago.